Sunday, August 31, 2008

Army Wives

One of the greatest things about Fort Hood so far is the group of amazing Army wives I met through Kate, my first Army wife friend. One of her college friends from A&M has been here about 6 months and me these ladies through other college connections and through her husband's unit. There are about a dozen girls who get together for Army Wives and girly time every Sunday night. It's always so much fun, and comforting to have such as great support system with deployment nearing.

One of the girls found this poem, and with Randy about to leave for yet another training exercise, I guess I'm feeling more patriotic than usual.


I never wore the uniform,
no medals on my chest.
The band it doesn't play for me,
I am not among, "the best."
I do not march in cadence,
I do not rate salute,
I stand among the silent ranks,
Our devotion absolute.

If you've not worn my shoes,
You do not know my story.
I live a life of sacrifice,
My reward a private glory.
I've wept many silent nights away,
And I've kept the home fires burning.
I've worried and I've waited,
As world events were churning.

I've moved more times than you could fathom,
Left more people than you've known.
I've planted gardens 'round the world.
Very few that I've seen grown.
I've grieved with new-made widows,
And had my share of scares-
When a ship or a plane or man was down,
And all I had were prayers.

I'm not asking for your sympathy,
(although appreciation would be nice)
I did it quite on purpose though-
I chose to sacrifice.
I'll tell you a secret now,
One you'd never guess.
About the one glory that is mine,
It's just enough -no more, no less.

When you and I stand together
As our national anthem plays,
I'll fill with reminiscences of how I spent those days.
I'll know the pain and joys again,
I'll know that freedom isn't free,
I'll know I've helped to pay the price...

and know that anthem plays for me.

~Elizabet Soutter Schwarzer

1 comment:

Cupcakes and Combat Boots said...

I am so glad you enjoy the Army Wives as much as I do! They have been a total lifesaver for me and I know they will be more so when our husbands deploy. Love your blog, by the way!