Sunday, July 27, 2008

So I'm a little late posting. That's what happens when you move across the country and your other half is in the Army. Separately those occurences are cause for craziness but put them together and chaos ensues. More about Army stuff later; I'll discuss our townhouse for now. We got the keys on Saturday July 12th, however our household goods were not deliverd until Thursday the 17th. Randall took a video on Sunday the 13th while I was attempting to make/serve tacos with chips and salsa using one pan for cooking and a plastic container for dip. Ha! The video shows the townhouse in its bare bones form. Please pay special attention to the lovely blue cooler that served as our dining table, the air bed underneath the sheets in the bedroom, the fact that in Texas "townhouse" doesn't mean larger than an "apartment" it just means you have an upstairs, and the router that was lying on the floor in the office before one of the movers stole it. He was a pretty shady character. Although it was inconveneient living like this, it didn't matter too much because we were finally together and in the lovely state of Texas, which some refer to as "God's country." More on that at a later time, but for now enjoy the video and make sure you turn on the sound. Randy is quite the witty narrator.
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1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Connie and Randy- I can't wait to look around your townhouse, but it's only coming up as a picture, not a video! Anyways, hope all's well and I'll talk to you soon!